America’s Misplaced Outrage

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Whatever your beliefs about God, are we not still ONE nation? So why are we starting to act less and less as ONE nation? We all need to come together as one instead of picking out particular groups in our society and just HATING all the time. Black or white, male or female, Republican or Democrat, all nationalities, all sexual orientations – anyone who can identify with being a human being.

Black people are outraged at white police officers, which in turn eventually leads to white people being outraged at black people. Gays and lesbians are outraged at straight people for not being able to get a legal marriage; straight people then become outraged as they feel their religion is being attacked. Republicans and Democrats stopped working together long ago, and our country is suffering from it, regardless of whose “fault” it is. These are all important issues to discuss and debate, but can’t we do so civilly? Can’t we restrain ourselves from name-calling and personal judgment of others? Can’t we remain INDIVISIBLE?

I admit, it is difficult sometimes. I am just as guilty as the next guy for making the mistake of feeling so passionate about something, that I lose my cool and say something that is irrelevant to the topic at hand. But I see the mistake in that now. And I want to know why our outrage isn’t focused on the REAL enemies, those who want to take away liberty and justice FOR ALL.

Why have we started to see one another as enemies? Don’t we all want the same thing? Safety, freedom, equality, humanity. Don’t we all want THOSE things? Well, we are seriously in danger of losing every one of those things. Let’s stand together, UNITED, against those who are threatening to take away our safety, our freedom, to take away equality and humanity. And these enemies are looking to destroy us ALL, regardless of race, gender, or political party.

Hearing about the outrage in Ferguson, Missouri has shown me what people are willing to do when they truly believe in something, when they truly believe an injustice has occurred. However, rioting and looting are unnecessary and only cause further injustice to innocent people. The peaceful protesters are doing the right thing by making it known they want an investigation of the incident without resorting to violence against anyone else. Also, NO ONE but those immediately involved know what actually happened in that incident; in this country, though, we take the time to investigate all the facts so as to provide a FAIR result.

All the while, the injustice to our citizens and our allies’ citizens is BLATANT. The massacre of innocent Jews, Christians, and many others has been going on for far too long already, and we sit idly by, even BLAMING Israel for defending itself, for trying to save human lives of all religions, for trying to keep the peace. Hamas and ISIS/ISIL are truly EVIL. They’re terrorists! These groups’ ideologies are based on destroying and eradicating another group of humans… THIS is the time to feel OUTRAGE!

Remember back when you learned about World War II and the Holocaust… didn’t we as children or young adults feel outrage then? The thought of irrationally killing off an entire group of people disgusted us then. So where is the disgust at these modern-day Nazis? How many times have we heard about Israel and Hamas agreeing to a cease-fire, only then to hear that Hamas has either rejected it or flat out broken it without any provocation from Israel? I lost count of how many.

I personally believe that as a superpower, the U.S. has a responsibility to get involved when such brutal slaughter and genocide is going on anywhere, as was done against Hitler. But even if you’re one of the many who believe that America should just “stay out of it” because it’s not OUR problem, well, NEWS FLASH: our nation has now been directly threatened, and so now it IS our problem.

If you haven’t heard, not only has one of our very own citizens been killed by ISIS terrorists in the most horrific and vicious way, but the sick bastards recorded it and specifically called out the UNITED STATES as being their victim’s actual enemy. It’s sickening! It’s appalling! I AM OUTRAGED! If that isn’t your reaction, then you probably missed something I said. OUTRAGE is the ONLY acceptable reaction to such barbarianism. And like I said before, this is BLATANT, in-your-face BRUTALITY – not simply injustice.

And did you know that much of ISIS’s funding comes from extortion and multiple kidnappings for ransom? As they continue to terrorize people, so too do they continue to get richer from money provided by the very people they are terrorizing. Calling it CRUEL is insufficient to describe such an atrocity. But this is why we cannot negotiate with terrorists; submitting to their demands only gives them more power.

By now, you should have started feeling the OUTRAGE. But what can WE do? Let’s put some pressure on our elected officials, who WORK FOR US, to put an end to the threat. Start discussing it with others and on social media so that the news media will start covering it and showing how significant it is that our leaders do something about it. We MUST act soon to prevent the danger that is coming worldwide. To quote from the Game of Thrones books: Winter IS coming!!! And by winter, I mean some serious trouble.

So what should our government do? We should stop discussing the matter and DO something. ACT. That’s what our nation’s leaders should do. Generally, I don’t think that violence or killing should be used to produce results; but sometimes there is no other way. Sometimes it’s kill or be killed. We need to go in and take these suckas out…NOW! These terrorists have been brainwashed for years – their extremist views are dished out onto their children at a very young age – to ONLY HATE, and they exist only to cause FEAR.

While some of you may not feel the direct threat to our cushy lifestyles, I can assure you that we will not be safe for much longer if things continue down this path. These radicals WILL NOT STOP until they kill everyone who doesn’t believe in their despicable ideals. It is ingrained in them to give up their own lives so that their “enemies” – hint, that means US – die. If they will stop at nothing to kill us, well, isn’t that a pretty good reason to end them first? It’s US or THEM; it’s that simple.

Why don’t we just capture and imprison them, you ask? Won’t killing them make us just like them? NO! These people are TERRORISTS. We are not looking to kill innocent people or shed the blood of children. We do not simply want to cause fear to hundreds of thousands of people – we want to end the suffering! And what’s the point of bringing them to justice by imprisoning them when we will later release them back into their twisted idea of society? Does anyone actually think that those five prisoners released in exchanged for Bowe Bergdahl sat around in Guantanamo Bay thinking about what they did wrong and realizing the error of their ways? I think just the opposite: they likely became even more adamant about destroying the evil United States of America. And even if they did start believing otherwise, they were returned to the very people who brainwashed them into thinking their slaughter is justified in the first place; if the released prisoners had any conscience about their previous actions, they would likely be either re-brainwashed or killed.

In recent news, Israel has used its military intelligence to locate and kill three Hamas leaders, so don’t tell me that America, the most powerful country in the world, the country who found and killed Osama bin Laden, can’t seek out and destroy some of the other leaders of these extremist groups. And we can likely do it without shedding much more innocent blood… the Islamo-Nazis have no qualms about shedding more innocent blood, I can tell you.

These depraved humans (can we even call them human at this point?) even consider dying for their cause – which is killing and terrorizing other humans – to be HEROIC! So I say, let’s give them their delusional and sick sense of a heroic ending. I hate to sound like I am so gung-ho about warfare or death to other people, because I do believe in mercy and forgiveness… but only when logic and reason are possibilities for them. And, in my opinion, logic or reason just cannot exist in the minds of those whose morals and values tell them to massacre innocent human beings.

Instead of feeling outrage about a perceived injustice done by another one of our own citizens, let’s direct that outrage to what really matters. If we continue to focus on blaming one another within our nation’s borders, we will be unaware of our true enemies. If they succeed, we will no longer be crying out against “injustice” in this country; we will be crying out against INHUMANITY! If we don’t pay closer attention to what is going on abroad, and what is headed straight for our own land, we will no longer have lives, let alone rights.

Will you stand with me to fight this OUTRAGE? Let us, as ONE NATION, call on our leaders to act now, before we lose our security, our freedom, and before we lose equality and any sense of humanity. Let us put aside our differences and unite before such UNITY is no longer a choice for us. Let us be INDIVISIBLE and withdraw from destroying our nation from the inside out; we must now focus on extinguishing the threat of our true enemies, who move closer to destroying us from the outside in. That is the only way we can ensure we will be around to continue seeking liberty and justice for all.

***UPDATE (August 24, 2014) Please sign the petition to let the President know we want them to ACT against these radical terrorists!  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!

7 thoughts on “America’s Misplaced Outrage

  1. Do me a favor and send a copy of your comments to President Obama, PLEASE. I agree with everything you said and more! After spending 20 years in the Air Force, I so want to see us go after those bastards, not just sit around and watch them behead not only our fellow countrymen but CHILDREN! I wish I could go over there myself and fight them!I will be so upset if we do just sit back and let them continue with their killing spree. I feel your article is very well written. Your education is coming through! HA!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree. Americans would rather watch Jersey Shore than think about the reality that there are bad guys out there torturing and killing innocent people.

    You can’t end evil. But you can do your part by being a peacemaker. Forgive others. Stay positive. Look for opportunities to serve others. And don’t try to be important.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sean! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment on my very first post, showing me that at least some people out there are listening, which makes it more likely that I will post again soon!


  3. Love it girl. As a Jew, and a Zionist, I agree with you 100%. My dad and I just were talking about this during our hike. These are not people anymore. From the time they can hold, they are handed guns, and taught their struggle is the fault of Jews. Not Israelis, Jews, all Jews, my kids, all of us. Not their own leader, who don’t value life, their own or minde. They do not care. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Palestinians can become full citizens. In all other Arab countries they maintain their refugee status, which is passed to their children. They are the only group of people that pass the refugee status down. As Golda Meir once said, “we will have peace with the Arabs, when they learn to love their children more than they hate us.” Am Yisrael Chai!!! (The nation of Israel lives, for those of you who don’t speak Hebrew)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for adding your perspective to this Soleil! It is greatly appreciated and I am excited to continue learning from your insight! And thanks for following me too! I will try and post something at least once a week, and hope to hear much more from you in the future.


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